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Oral Presentation Instructions (Day 1)

  • All presentations should be delivered in English.

  • Each presentation will be 15 minutes long. We recommend spending 10 minutes presenting and 5 minutes for discussion or questions.

  • The recommended file type to be used for presentations is PowerPoint (*.ppt or *.pptx) or Portable Document Format (PDF).

  • Please use the following naming convention (PID_XX.pptx or PID_XX.pdf) where XX is your paper ID. 

  • Email us a copy of your file on by the latest 3rd of October 2022

  • Email Subject: [Oral Presentation] PID_XX where XX is your paper ID


Video Presentation Instructions (Day 2 – Virtual Presentation)

  • This option applies only to authors who have registered for virtual presentation

    • In order to avoid any connectivity issues and to allow a smooth running of the virtual presentation, authors are requested to prepare a video presentation.

    • Authors should remain on standby mode to attend to any questions after their video presentation has been played.

    • A Zoom link will be made available two days prior to the scheduled presentation for you to join and participate.

  • Prepare your presentation according to the following requirements: 

  • All presentations should be delivered in English.

  • All files must be in MP4 Format  

  • Resolution = 720p HD 

  • Presentation length: 10 min 

  • Please use the following naming convention (PID_XX.mp4) where XX is your paper ID.  

  • Maximum file size: 100MB

  • Record a video of your presentation. 


There are several video conferencing tools available to easily record a presentation.  In this method, you can show your face via webcam (if you’d like) and display your slides as you talk. You can use any meeting software (WebEx, Skype, Google Meet, Zoom, Gotomeeting, Microsoft Teams) as long as you get a good quality recording and your final file is in the MP4 format.

  • You may also use the following method for video recording: 

  • Create Voice Over Power point:

  • And convert to MP4:

  • Or create direct video using loom (free and available for Windows, Chrome, Mac and iOS)


Instructions for uploading your video: 

  • Upload your file on the following shared Google Drive by the latest 3rd of October 2022 [Accessed will be granted upon request].

  • Any queries should be sent to

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